Returns Policy

Due to the nature of our "print on demand" products, we print only once the order is placed, and therefore they are non-returnable. However, if you haven't received your packages after 10 days of your estimated delivery date, please get in touch with us and we will investigate, and send you a replacement order where appropriate.

Quality Guarantee

We want you to be satisfied with the quality of the products you order from us. We also take great care with our packaging to ensure they will arrive at your doorstep just as they left us. If you are not satisfied with the quality of a product, please get in touch with us along with the photographs of the damage within 7 days of receiving the item and we will do everything we can to investigate and find a solution.

If our quality assurance team validates your claim, we will be happy to send a complimentary replacement order to you as quickly as possible. If a replacement order is not feasible, or you cannot wait for a new order to arrive, please indicate that when you reach out to us and we'll give you a refund.

Colour Consistency

We go to great lengths to ensure that the digital reproductions are as close to possible to the prints, however, there might be a slight difference in colour due to machine settings, humidity and machine type. However, we are convinced that they look even better in print!